Saturday, March 28, 2020

I warned my wife against adultery, she didn’t listen – Man who killed suspected partner’s lover with scissors

Habib Kasali, a 35-year-old motorcyclist was arrested by police officers of the Ogun State Police Command for allegedly killing a man in his community at Ibafo area of Ogun State with a pair of scissors after suspecting the victim was having an affair with his wife. He tells DAUD OLATUNJI his side of the story

When did you marry your wife?

We have been married for over six years and we have one child.

How did you get into trouble?

A cult member in my area had been dating my wife and I had reported him to one of his superiors in the cult group but he never listened to me. I begged everyone who could talk to him but he never listened to me.

In fact, one of his superiors who I reported him to told me that he also knew that he was dating my wife and had tried all he could to stop him but all to no avail.

So on Saturday, I went to buy liquor from a woman selling herbs and on getting there, I saw my wife and the guy eating from the same plate, that was how a fight broke out between us. In the course of the fight, I saw a pair of scissors and I used it to stab him in three places. That was how he died.

Where did you stab him?

Close to his eye, chest and stomach area, but I never wanted to kill him. In fact, before that day, I had begged him to leave my wife alone. I am not promiscuous and I only love my wife but he never listened.

He was one of the cult boys in our area whom I gave money anytime they asked me for money.

Are you a member of the same cult group with the deceased?

No, I am not a member of any cult group. Everybody in our community knows that I am not a cult member.

Since you got into detention, has your wife been here to see you?

What about your family?

I don’t know if my family members are aware that I am in trouble, especially my mother. If anyone had told her, she would have been here.

Or are they ashamed of identifying with you?

No, I have relatives and they will definitely come here if they are told about my predicament.

Did your mother ever warn you about the danger of not being able to control your anger?

Yes, she always warned me against having anger and that was why I didn’t want to fight initially but my disobedience to her warnings has landed me into trouble.

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